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<% function dbSection strSQL = "select * from emaillist where email = '" & trim(request("email")) & "'" set tempRS = Server.createObject("ADODB.Recordset") strSQL, my_conn if temprs.eof = false then updSQL = "update emaillist set name = '" & replace(trim(request("ind_name")), "'", "''") & "' " updSQl = updSQL & " where email = '" & trim(request("email")) & "'" else updSQL = "insert into emaillist(email,name,aDate) values ('" updSQl = updSQL & replace(trim(request("email")), "'", "''") & "'," updSQl = updSQL & "'" & replace(trim(request("ind_name")), "'", "''") & "'," updSQl = updSQL & "#" & date & "#)" end if my_conn.execute updSQL end function Function sendMail() dim destination, accomodation, rooms, transport dim strSQL, rsTemp dim mailMsg Set my_conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") my_conn.Open session("my_conn") mailMsg = "Online contact information: " & vbcrlf mailMsg = mailMsg & " Location : " & trim(request("target")) & vbcrlf mailMsg = mailMsg & " Name : " & trim(request("ind_name")) & vbcrlf mailMsg = mailMsg & " Address : " & trim(request("address")) & vbcrlf mailMsg = mailMsg & " Telephone(Day) : " & trim(request("tel_day")) & vbcrlf mailMsg = mailMsg & " Fax : " & trim(request("fax")) & vbcrlf mailMsg = mailMsg & " Email : " & trim(request("email")) & vbcrlf mailMsg = mailMsg & " Best time to call : " & trim(request("best_time")) & vbcrlf mailMsg = mailMsg & " Hear about us : " & trim(request("hear_us")) & vbcrlf if trim(request("form_status")) <> "" then mailMSg = mailmsg & vbcrlf if trim(request("dest1")) <> "" then destination = trim(request("dest1")) end if if trim(request("dest2")) <> "" then if trim(destination) <> "" then destination = destination & "," & trim(request("dest2")) else destination = trim(request("dest2")) end if end if if trim(request("dest3")) <> "" then if trim(destination) <> "" then destination = destination & "," & trim(request("dest3")) else destination = trim(request("dest3")) end if end if if trim(request("dest4")) <> "" then if trim(destination) <> "" then destination = destination & "," & trim(request("dest4")) else destination = trim(request("dest4")) end if end if if trim(request("dest5")) <> "" then if trim(destination) <> "" then destination = destination & "," & trim(request("dest5")) else destination = trim(request("dest5")) end if end if if trim(request("dest6")) <> "" then if trim(destination) <> "" then destination = destination & "," & trim(request("dest6")) else destination = trim(request("dest6")) end if end if if trim(request("acc1")) <> "" then if trim(accomodation) <> "" then accomodation = accomodation & "," & trim(request("acc1")) else accomodation = trim(request("acc1")) end if end if if trim(request("acc2")) <> "" then if trim(accomodation) <> "" then accomodation = accomodation & "," & trim(request("acc2")) else accomodation = trim(request("acc2")) end if end if if trim(request("acc3")) <> "" then if trim(accomodation) <> "" then accomodation = accomodation & "," & trim(request("acc3")) else accomodation = trim(request("acc3")) end if end if if trim(request("rooms1")) <> "" then if trim(rooms) <> "" then rooms = rooms & "," & trim(request("rooms1")) else rooms = trim(request("rooms1")) end if end if if trim(request("rooms2")) <> "" then if trim(rooms) <> "" then rooms = rooms & "," & trim(request("rooms2")) else rooms = trim(request("rooms2")) end if end if if trim(request("rooms3")) <> "" then if trim(rooms) <> "" then rooms = rooms & "," & trim(request("rooms3")) else rooms = trim(request("rooms3")) end if end if if trim(request("trans1")) <> "" then if trim(transport) <> "" then transport = transport & "," & trim(request("trans1")) else transport = trim(request("trans1")) end if end if if trim(request("trans2")) <> "" then if trim(transport) <> "" then transport = transport & "," & trim(request("trans2")) else transport = trim(request("trans2")) end if end if mailMsg = mailMsg & " Preferred Destinations: " & destination & vbcrlf mailMsg = mailMsg & " Proposed departure date: " & trim(request("dep_date")) & vbcrlf mailMsg = mailMsg & " No of nights: " & trim(request("no_nights")) & vbcrlf mailMsg = mailMsg & " No in party: " & trim(request("no_party")) & vbcrlf mailMsg = mailMsg & " No of golfers: " & trim(request("no_golfer")) & vbcrlf mailMsg = mailMsg & " Preferred courses: " & trim(request("courses")) & vbcrlf mailMsg = mailMsg & " Preferred accomodation: " & trim(accomodation) & vbcrlf mailMsg = mailMsg & " No of rooms: " & trim(rooms) & vbcrlf mailMsg = mailMsg & " Preferred transport: " & trim(transport) & vbcrlf mailMsg = mailMsg & " Additional info: " & trim(request("add_info")) end if msgbody = mailMsg & vbcrlf Set myMailer = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") myMailer.mailformat=0 myMailer.from = "" = "" myMailer.Subject = "Adventures in Golf - Contact us message" myMailer.Body = msgbody 'request("msg_body") myMailer.send set myMailer = nothing end function '********************************* if err<>0 then 'response.redirect "error.html" response.write err.description response.end end if '********************************* %>